Third Ray - Yellow Ray - The Light - Solar Plexus

The Temple of Love, Wisdom and Understanding

Kuthumi comes to those who seek world knowledge in this time of change - and to use that accumulated knowledge for the good of all and to overcome the tendency towards intellectual arrogance.

He was allegedly born in the early nineteenth century, Mahatma Kuthumi was a Punjabi whose family had settled in Kashmir. He led an secluded life.

He attended Oxford University in 1850 and is believed to have contributed "The Dream of Ravan" to The Dublin University Magazine around 1854, prior to returning to his homeland.

The Kashmiri Brahman spent considerable time in Dresden, Wurzberg, Nurnberg, and at the university in Leipzig, where in 1875 he visited with Dr. Gustav Theodor Fechner, the founder of modern psychology.

His remaining years were spent at his lamasery in Shigatse, Tibet, where his contact with the outside world included didactic writings sent by mail to some of his devoted students. Those letters are now on file with the British Museum.

Past Lives

Thutmose III

Pharaoh, prophet, and high priest in the period of the New Kingdom c. 1460 B.C., who expanded the Egyptian kingdom to include most of the Middle East. His most decisive victory was on a battlefield near Mt. Carmel where he led the entire army single file through narrow Megiddo Pass to surprise and defeat an alliance of 330 rebellious Asian princes--a daring maneuver protested by the pharaoh's terrified officers. Thutmose alone was assured of his plan and rode ahead holding aloft the image of AmenRa, the Sun God who had promised him the victory.


Greek philosopher of the sixth century B.C., the "fair-haired Samian" who was regarded as the son of Apollo. As a youth, Pythagoras conferred freely with priests and scholars, eagerly seeking scientific proof of the inner law revealed to him in meditation upon Demeter, the Mother of the Earth. His quest for the great synthesis of truth led him to Palestine, Arabia, India, and finally to the temples of Egypt where he won the confidence of the priests of Memphis and was gradually accepted into the mysteries of Isis at Thebes.

When Asian conqueror Cambyses launched a savage invasion of Egypt c. 529 B.C., Pythagoras was exiled to Babylon where the prophet Daniel still served as king's minister. Here rabbis revealed to him the inner teachings of the I AM THAT I AM given to Moses, and here Zoroastrian magi tutored him in music, astronomy, and the sacred science of invocation.

After twelve years, Pythagoras left Babylon and founded a brotherhood of initiates at Crotona, a busy Dorian seaport in southern Italy. His "city of the elect" was a mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood where carefully selected men and women pursued a philosophy based upon the mathematical expression of universal law, illustrated in music and in the rhythm and harmony of a highly disciplined way of life. After a five-year probation of strict silence, Pythagorean "mathematicians" progressed through a series of initiations, developing the intuitive faculties of the heart whereby the son or daughter of God may become, as Pythagoras' Golden Verses state, "a deathless God divine, mortal no more."

At Crotona, Pythagoras delivered his lectures from behind a screen in a veiled language which could be fully comprehended only by the most advanced initiates. The most significant phase of his instruction concerned the fundamental concept that number is both the form and the essence of creation. He formulated the essential parts of Euclid's geometry and advanced astronomical ideas which led to Copernicus' hypotheses. It is recorded that two thousand citizens of Crotona gave up their customary lifestyle and assembled together in the Pythagorean community under the wise administration of the Council of Three Hundred; a governmental, scientific, and religious order who later exercised great political influence throughout Magna Grecia.

Pythagoras, the "indefatigable adept," was ninety when Cylon, a rejected candidate of the mystery school, incited a violent persecution. Standing in the courtyard of Crotona, he read aloud from a secret book of Pythagoras, Hieros Logos (Holy Word), distorting and ridiculing the teaching. When Pythagoras and forty of the leading members of the Order were assembled, Cylon set fire to the building and all but two of the council members were killed. As a result, the community was destroyed and much of the original teaching was lost. Nevertheless, "The Master" has influenced many great philosophers, including Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Francis Bacon.


One of the three Magi (astronomer/adepts) who followed the star (the I AM Presence) of the Manchild born to the Virgin Mary. Believed to have been the King of Ethiopia, Balthazar brought the treasure of his realm, the gift of frankincense to Christ. the eternal High Priest.

Saint Francis of Assisi

The divine poverello, who renounced family and wealth and embraced "Lady Poverty," living among the poor and the lepers, finding unspeakable joy in imitating the compassion of Christ. While kneeling at Mass on the feast of Se. Matthias in 1209, he heard the gospel of Jesus read by the priest and the Lord's command to his apostles, "Go, preach." Francis left the little church and immediately began evangelizing, preaching the doctrine of reincarnation as Jesus had taught and converting many disciples, including the noble Lady Clare who later left her home dressed as the bride of Christ and presented herself to Francis for admittance to the mendicant order.

One of the many legends surrounding the lives of Francis and Clare describes their meal at Santa Maria degli Angeli where Francis spoke so lovingly of God that all were enraptured in Him. Suddenly the people of the village saw the convent and the woods ablaze and running hastily to quench the flames, they beheld the little company enfolded in brilliant light with arms uplifted to heaven. God revealed to St. Francis the divine presence in "brother sun" and "sister moon" and rewarded his devotion with the stigmata of Christ crucified. The prayer of St. Francis is yet spoken by people of all faiths throughout the world: "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace!..."

Shah Jahan

Mogul emperor of India in the sixteenth century who overthrew the corrupt government of his father Jahangir and restored, in part, the noble ethics of his grandfather Akbar the Great. During his enlightened reign, the splendor of the Mogul court reached its zenith and India entered her golden age of art and architecture. Shah Jahan lavished the imperial treasury not only on music and paintings, but especially on the construction of awesome monuments, mosques, temples, and thrones throughout India, some of which may still be seen today.

The famous Taj Mahal, "the miracle of miracles, the final wonder of the world," was built as a tomb for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631 giving birth to their fourteenth child. Shah Jahan spared no effort in making the temple "as beautiful as she was beautiful.' It is the symbol of the Mother principle and the shrine of his eternal love for his twin flame.

Ascended Master Kuthumi

Formerly Chohan of the Second Ray of Divine Illumination, now serves with Jesus as World Teacher. He is the hierarch of the Cathedral of Nature, in Kashmir, India, and head of the Brothers of the Golden Robe. Kuthumi also maintains a focus at Shigatse, Tibet, where he plays sacred classical music of East and West and compositions of the heavenly hosts as well as of earth's early root races on an organ keyed to the music of the spheres, drawing souls by the sacred sound that is God out of the astral plane into the etheric retreats of the Brotherhood.



Kuthumi far left - El Morya - Saint Germain

Allegedly this is photo of Madame Blavatsky and the Ascended Masters.

"Djwhal Khul, Kuthumi and El Morya were Tibetan Buddhists, although very universalistic in their approach. These 3 great Masters were all physically incarnated in the Himalayas and lived close to each other. They could materialize right before your eyes. Kuthumi did so often for Madam Blavatsky. Written letters from them often materialized for her." - Joshua David Stone


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