True Self Realization and Soul Awakening
requires expansion of your existing beliefs (beyond the restrictions
of your programmed belief system - Opening up to the Absolute Universal
Truth). You come into this planet knowing the Universal Truth. As you
grow up you disconnect from the Universal Truth and inherit your family's
belief system. Your parent's beliefs usually end up being the foundation of
your beliefs. The foundation of this belief creates your restrictions.
The Universe has no restrictions. You create the boundaries based on your
beliefs. These boundaries limit your spiritual growth / inner development.
Who are you?
What is your whole Self? What is the universal mind? How can you connect
with the universal mind? Why are you here on planet Earth? Where did you
come from? What is the objective of life? Where do you go when you leave
this body? What is the Universal Truth? What are the 5th and Higher Dimensions? What is
the meaning of Heaven on Earth? Why are we required to activate higher
DNA stands? Upon asking these questions and seeking answers you begin the
journey towards knowing the Truth about planet Earth and why you chose to
come here during this ascension period.
Ishnah (Ray) has been asking these questions for the past 20 years. Through
an inner awakening he is now receiving these answers and being directed to
teach programs that help others directly open up through fast-track
processes that raises consciousness to higher levels which allows higher
dimensional frequencies to assemble into the DNA.
The journey to rapid Self Development and
Soul Awakening requires:
1) Knowing where you are in your current situation. A person's soul/spirit life journey consists of many past lives on this planet. Earth karma is created and accumulates in each life. This karma stays with the person in all lives until it is cleared, Karma is negative and positive. As long as there is Earth karma, the rebirthing process on this planet continues until the person graduates by clearing all karma and raising his/her energetic dimension frequency within themself.
A person's birth date/time/location identifies their planetary configuration, A detailed analysis of the birth and life path planetary configuration shows the karma brought in from the past lives to the current life journey of the person. The planetary configuration shows hardships and blessing to be experienced during the present life. Celestial Vedic Healing identifies the current planetary configuration of a person and provides vedic healing processes to clear negative karma and open higher spiritual doorways though guidance on spritual sadhana processes that allow karmic imprints to be
cleared and higher DNA strands to be are activated.
2) Developing the Spiritual Sadhana process
Expansion of existing
spiritual / religious beliefs
A deeper hunger with
perseverance to know the Universal (Absolute) Truth
Openness to receive teachings
and healings (from the heart without interference from the ego-mind)
Letting go of your negative
ego (your wealth, status, job title..etc are all illusions..its NOT YOU). Love in your
system creates humility and provides a higher perspective to life.
An understanding of your Self
as a being of energy (with multiple subtle body layers)
An understanding that you
create with your thought forms and feelings. Positive thought forms create
positive energies and negative thought forms create blockages in your system.
Clearing all blockages
(miasms) from all your subtle bodies. Doing this opens you up to the higher
frequency energies. The higher frequency energies speed up your self development and
self empowerment process.
Develop/Build your pillar of
Light and your Central Channel (extension of the Kundalini channel beyond the
crown) also known as the Antahkarana or the Rainbow bridge.
Opening up your sacred
(spiritual) heart. This allows you to open up to the pure love GOD consciousness
energy and develop the direct connection to the GOD source.
Activation of higher DNA
strands (Average human DNA is at 3 - 3.5 strand activation level). This must
be raised to at least 5 DNA strands.
Activation of the higher light
bodies and opening up to at least the 5th Dimensional realm that is now present
on Planet Earth. Develop your life to this 5th Dimensional Plane. This is the beginning
process of creating Heaven on Earth.
There are many techniques
available on the planet to help people prepare themselves for these Universal Soul
Awakening Classes. The prerequisites required for these classes, help you
progress better/faster the more you have worked on clearing your miasms and
activated/cleared your lower chakras.
We recommend the following fast
track techniques/process that can help with the lower body issues as
preparation for these High Frequency Soul Awakening Classes:
- 10 day Vipassana Meditation
Program (For balancing Body-Mind-Ego and clearing blockages (miasms) energetically through Prana) View for Vipassana centers near you - requires staying in silence/meditation for 10 days.
- EFT [Emotional Freedom]
Technique (For clearing emotional blocks/issues)
Chakra activation programs
(Chakra Breathwork/Meditation/Bija Chakra Mantra or Chakra Sounds)
Kriya Yoga Chakra Breathwork Meditation Download
Breathwork related meditations
or techniques (clears lower miasms, provides body-mind stability)
Transformational Breath Process
process activates and initiates your inner awakening. This ancient and
unique breathwork process induces the higher frequency energies to flow into
your system through the life force energy. As new energy enters your system,
your old energy is released from your entire system (at the cellular level).
Old degenerative tissues are replenished, allowing the new vibrant energy to
empower you. Your old (negative) thought patterns and energy blockages
(miasms) are released. Your spiritual heart opening is activated. The
breathwork process with activation of your energy centers (chakras) releases
blocked energy from the physical, mental and emotional bodies. Your auric
fields are cleared. These clearings allow your system to heal dis-ease
caused by the negative thought/emotion patterns from all past cause-effect
(karma) cycles.
This process allows you to overcome your current issues and start fresh with
new vibrant energy directed with positive intentions (thoughts and emotions
for more love, joy, prosperity, freedom, passion, compassion, clarity and
perfect health).
The process initiates the inner awakening by opening your spiritual heart
wider, you learn to center yourself in love rather than embrace fear. The
pure love state empowers all fear and raises your vibration to the higher
Breath is
your life-force energy. Through breathwork
you are able to clear your negative energy blockages, release all fear
issues at the cellular level and open up to the higher magnificent and
radiant love and light energies. The Transformational Breath Process sessions provide incredible
experiences as blockages are cleared and higher vibration levels are
attained. This program provides a faster process to manifest your desires by
transmitting your intentions into the universal realm while in the
Superconscious state (this is the ideal state for submitting
intentions beyond your auric field Deeper
spiritual awareness is realized by expanding your beliefs and going beyond
the mind. The Breathwork-Meditation process takes you beyond
the ego-mind through the heart. Breath is your direct connection to Source
(the life force energy provider). Many forms of Prayer and traditional
(mantra) Meditations limit your progress as they keep you in your mind by
allowing you concentrate and focus for short moments. The true gift of deep
prayer and meditation comes from going beyond the mind through the heart.
The breathwork sessions open up your higher light-energy channels. All forms
of meditation practices are deepened once your higher channels have opened.
Learn about the
Spiritual Hierarchy of
Ascended Masters,
their function in this time-matrix system, the purpose for the Karmic Board
and karma issues. The importance of fully activating and opening your
central channel (The Antahkarana /
Rainbow bridge) and spiritual
heart. The central channel is an alignment of all your energy centers
(chakras) through clearing processes establish an open Kundalini channel in
the physical/subtle layers which develops into a
Universal Kundalini
channel that connects you to the higher
frequency aspects of your
6D Soul /8D Oversoul / Monad / I AM
healers are able to transmit higher frequency love and light healing
energy through their circuits once their frequency levels are raised to the
higher dimensional frequencies (Reiki/Prana/Chi is 3rd/4th dimension
frequency). See information on higher vibrational
Universal Soul Awakening
Program This phenomenal Self-transformation process has been
provided to Ishnah through advanced spiritual masters. The program is a
hands-on experiential process that helps clear your negative energies
(miasms) and empowers your co-creative process. The program expands your
consciousness; you receive a deeper understanding of your Whole Self, the
energies within and its relation to vibrations, frequency, density and
dimensions. You learn about the Earth School, your journey and purpose on
this planet, the laws of polarity effect with its positive and
negative cycles, the laws of fear, love, forgiveness, gratitude and
acceptance. The law of attraction (what is required to make it work
for you)-goes beyond what the movie "The Secret" teaches. You will better
understand and learn the process to increase your creative force powers and
implement this to achieve your desires faster. Learn the importance of
opening your sacred heart and raise your frequency to a higher state.
Discover the value and power of self-love, compassion and being in a joyful
state. Realize the true cause of anger, depression, stress and
anxiety. Learn how to overcome this. Clear your issues. Learn the importance
of living in the present moment and how this creates your life. Learn about
the 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensional life and
the process of uplifting your life from the 3rd dimension to the
Dimension and higher states.
This program
makes you
better understand
how reality works
and the most effective and direct way of opening up to the Universal Source.
In the advance levels you will be introduced to spiritual sacred geometry differences,
being taught
and their benefits/issues
and the significance of Merkaba mechanics to Ascension (Eternal Life Merkaba vs Finite Life Merkaba). And which of the Merkaba techniques being taught are Finite or Eternal processes (Flower
of Life, the Melchizedek Merkaba and Guardian Alliance Merkaba processes). [A warning to seekers. please be
cautious on your ascension journey....many processes (including lower
dimensional Merkaba and sacred geometry teachings with origins through an
Egyptian master) does more harm than good to your inner system and can
distort your progress].
connecting with and transmitting the higher Universal love and light energy
co-creative abilities are empowered. This allows you to develop, attract and
manifest your desires faster.
manifestation process (which is beyond
just positive thinking with intentions) is taught with a deeper
understanding of the Earth matrix process that creates blocks in your
manifestation cycle.
program also awakens you to the cosmic reality and teaches you the Universal
laws of Gratitude, Love, Cause and Effect, and the law of attraction.
Manifesting a prosperous life full of love, joy, freedom and perfect health
is now within your reach with the higher Universal love and light energy.
Everyone goes through lifecycles of good and
bad times. Every situation in a person's life
is self created by their own individual thoughts, words, emotions and deeds.
Hoping, worrying and being anxious without action is not positive, and
creates stressful depressive states.
Realizing that all of life's situations are lessons that require mastery
makes a person accept all situations. This program teaches you to 'be' in
the present without the worry and anxiety. It makes you realize your lessons
in every situation and the process of overcoming the lesson and moving
To understand the Universal truth, ask your masters, teachers, guides, or
GOD (within) "WHO AM I" and contemplate on "WHY AM I HERE ON THIS PLANET
RIGHT NOW" (discover what the Earth school is about and your true purpose
for being here). There is much more to life than living through the routine
daily rat race issues/benefits.
Most humans have fallen
into the belief in the savior. The savior or person/being a savior or
searching for one to save oneself is in opposition to the path of ascension.
Why is this so? Ascension requires turning inward to discover one’s
own god-goddess within. In so doing, one becomes one’s own savior and
one’s own champion to continue to transcend in the journey of ascension.
Open up to understand that all Earthly GODs / masters / teachers that are
prayed to through religious beliefs came upon the Earth plane to teach
the beings on this planet to connect directly to the UNIVERSAL GOD
SOURCE by GOING WITHIN and connecting through their inner Self. The masters
did not come on this planet to be worshipped. Give your love and connect
with your masters to receive their love and guidance, for their purpose is
to help you ascend. Listen and implement their deepest level message, that is to
open your heart to feel love for yourself and others, release your negative
Ego, fully forgive yourself and everyone and connect directly to the GOD
source (Oneness) from within. You are from the same energy as the GOD
source, this is how we are all connected at the higher level. The Earth planet is a system of duality, where there is belief that the Self is seperate from the infinite. Remove the duality belief from within you and see your Seldf as one with and part of the ifinite
Receive your FREE Creative Life Force Meditation Download Gift Below.
The Universal Soul
Awakening through advanced processes provides phenomenal
Creates awareness of
you as a spiritual being and expands your limited beliefs
Releases your stuck
pain, suppressed emotions and stress
- Empowers your thought
process, overcome fearful issues (worry, hope, anxiety)
Controls anger, overcomes depression and low self-esteem
Opens up your
spiritual body: Aura, the Chakras, and higher energy channels
- Gain
more confidence, self-control, focus, direction
Expands your heart and
fills you with greater flow of Love and compassion
Develops clarity of
vision for your career / Life path & greater creativity
- Attracts and manifests your desires and goals using the creative GOD
Connects and
establishes a more open and direct relationship to your higher GOD
Lets you see your life
from the higher perspective, allows you to accept all life
experiences with a better understanding.
Makes you a better
person, feel more joy, love, and peace.
- Improves your
- Energy (Reiki) healers
expand their channels/capacity and access the higher Universal healing
- Become aware of the
deeper aspect of prayer and meditation. Learn the ascension meditation
technique (Merkaba) and activate your Christ Consciousness
Kundalini Activation
through clearing of Chakra seals
Develop Soul
Integration & Higher Frequency DNA Activations
Karmic Imprint
Stronger awareness of
the illusion of Life
Develop / strengthen
your protection shield
True Consciousness
Expansion with full embodiment of 12D God Seed
Additional Information
Earth Changes
Reiki Story
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